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南岩宫(Nanyan Palace)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:



        Nanyan Palace ,Originally built in Yuan Dynasty; rebuilt in the 11th year of Emperor Yongle in Ming Dynasty (1413AD); and expanded in the 31st year of Emperor Jiaqing (1552AD) With the advantage of the mountains, cliffs and caves , the palaces, temples , pavilions and terraces blended with the natural environment. Facing the Golden Summit, Nanyan Palace is the Holy Place, where Zhenwu attained the Way. Surrounded by green trees and steep cliffs, Nanyan is known as the most spectacular place of the 36 scenic places in Mt. Wudang. Imitated the wooden architecture style and with its elegant structure and fine craftsmanship, the stone palaces are the treasure house of our stone carvings, which are rarely found in China.

  南岩宫 始建于元朝,明永乐十一年(1413年)重建,赐额“大圣南岩宫”;嘉靖三十一年(1552年)扩建。整个建筑巧妙地利用山头、垭脖、峭壁、岩洞等险境,建造了一座座宫殿、亭台,与周围环境融为一体,相映成趣。南岩,面对金顶,是真武得道之圣地,林木苍翠,峰岭奇峭,元代天乙真庆宫石殿就嵌在峭壁之间,有“楼阁飞空”之势,为 36岩之最美的一岩。石殿为石彻仿木建筑,结构精巧,雕工精细,堪称我国石雕艺术宝库,全国罕见。

来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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