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五龙宫(The Five-dragon Palace)
栏目分类:武当景点   发布日期:2016-06-15   浏览次数:


  The Five-dragon Palace, originally built in the year of Zhenguan inTang Dynasty, expanded in Song and Yuan Dynasties, and rebuilt in the 10th year of Emperor Yongle in Ming Dynasty (1412AD), had been respected as “the Palace surrounded by thousands of lotus flowers”. Looking at the numerous preserved existing stone terraces, the visitors still can feel the original grand and splendid atmosphere. The biggest Zhenwu bronze statue preserved in the middle part of the palace is the rare treasure of bronze-casting in the period of Ming Dynasty. Around it are rock-out temples such as Huaxiang Rock, Lingxu Rock and Yinxian Rock, all of which are the stone buildings with important historical value.

   五龙宫 始建于唐贞观年间,宋元曾扩建,明永乐十年(1412年)重建,素有“拥殿千朵芙蓉”仙境之誉。现保存大量宏台崇基,仍可见当年雄伟气势。正殿中留有武当最大的真武铜像,是明代铸造艺术珍品。周围还有华阳岩、凌虚岩、隐仙岩等岩庙,均为石建筑,具有重要的历史研究价值。


来源中国道家养生网 www.daoys.net


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